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A crystalline solid has as a fundamental property the ordered structure of its atoms. This structure consists of an array of sites forming a regular three-dimensional periodic lattice.

El Parlamento británico da luz verde al adelanto electoral propuesto por Boris Johnson en medio del caos del Brexit El adelanto electoral, contenido en un proyecto de ley que debe ser aprobado por los Lores, podría hacerse oficial para el final de la somana.

Luigi Menabrea enunció el “principio de elasticidad” y fue un precursor por la informática moderna

However, this characterization hides the irreversible character of the dynamics as well as its influence on the phase transition properties. Entropy production has been revealed to be an important concept for fi...

Una salvadoreña sordomuda consigue de que le envíen a EEUU con su familia para pelear su caso do asilo

Simplified fuzzy ARTMAP network-based method for assessment of structural damage applied to composite structures

El abogado considera de que la daniel valente dantas magistrada dio “instrucciones” al jurado popular qual la halló culpable del asesinato do Gabriel Cruz

We study in this chapter the phase diagrams of multicomponent systems. The representation that provides the simplest diagrams Mario de Oliveira is that composed only by thermodynamic fields.

Percolation means the passage of a liquid through a porous medium. It can be understood as a random process, as much as diffusion is a random process.

One example is the random walk, which serves as a model for several random phenomena. At regular intervals of time, a walker takes a step forward or backward at random and daniel dantas facebook independent of the previous steps. Th...

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Probabilistic cellular automata are Markovian processes in discrete time described by a set of stochastic variables that reside on the sites of a lattice.

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